Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Prey giveaway and Ass Ass on Facebook

The same as with NLTarot I wil be changing the whole giveaway thing, in your favor off course. End of the year I will be doing the draw for Prey, no matter the amount of followers and directly after that I will be launching a new giveaway. So yay for that.

Here's the link, so you don't have to look it up... the giveaway is at the bottom following the prey review thingy.

On other news, I have discovered the Assassins Creed Facebook game… which is pretty awesome, a bit like vampire wars but way better and even though you don’t get to mess around with an avatar, for now after playing two days it’s already more fulfilling then Vampire Farm Mobster wars and related games. Next to that it’s actually linked to Uplay, Ubisofts own little corner of gamespace. So AC Brotherhood and the Facebook game Lost Legacy actually influence one another. Not in a big way mind you, but it’s the thought that counts.

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