Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas and Games, a match made in heaven…

Christmas and games have a wonderful relationship. This is mainly due to two facts.

Fact one: Games are amongst the favorite present of kids these days, but do not underestimate the adults here. Not only do adults get games for Christmas but they also spend more money on them that month due to Christmas bonuses.

Fact two: You have more time for gaming. Many people have extra time off during December. So there is a lot of extra time for playing those games you got, or bought.

The gaming industry knows this, just like many other industries (Hollywood being another biggie there) the gaming world makes sure they have their A game on during the holiday season. But contrary to Hollywood for instance there are but few seasonal games. Off course a lot of online games like WoW or all the Facebook games will feature Christmas themed events and items, also there are a lot of those simple flash games where you can beat up Santa, ride Rudolph or where you have to sort out presents. But an actual Christmas game is a rarity. Actually the only one I can think of is A Nightmare before Christmas – the Game. It at least has the word Christmas in the title.

Off course with movies you watch them once and games are played over a period of time, so I understand why there is a lack of need to play a Christmas game in march. But still it’s odd when you think about it. You can get almost any product in a Christmas theme, with the exception of games. Which is especially weird considering that it’s the biggest entertainment industry out there with probably the most extreme profit rise in the season.

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